Staff & Personnel In Animal Health Production Technology

Staff & Personnel In Animal Health Production Technology
Department Overview

Okusanya,Phebe Oluwatoyin

Lecturer I

ND(Animal Health& Production), DVM (Veterinary medicine), MSc. (Veterinary Pathology)


Lecturer I|ND(Animal Health& Production), DVM (Veterinary medicine), MSc. (Veterinary Pathology)




Animal Health Production Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Infectious Diseases of Animals

Awards & Honours

Award of Postgraduate Research support at the Centre for Control and Prevention of Zoonosis, University of Ibadan 2015-2016

Award as University Scholar, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 2012

Best Student in Veterinary Pharmacology, University Of Ibadan 2011/2012 Session

Distinction in Veterinary Reproduction 2011/2012

Overall Best Graduating NDII Student in Animal Health & Production ( I.A.R&T., Ibadan) 2001/2002 Session  Best Student in Animal Nutrition ( I.A.R&T., Ibadan) 2001/2002

Best Student in Animal Disease ( I.A.R&T., Ibadan) 2001/2002 Session

Best Student in Clinical Technique II ( I.A.R&T., Ibadan) 2001/2002 Session

Teaching Areas

Elements of Agricultural Economics, Annual Crops,Introduction to Animal Health

Selected Publications

1. Akinlade, O. O. and Okusanya, P. O. (2020). Effect of Weather Parameters on Adaptability and Performance of Broiler Chicken reared during the Dry Season of North Central Nigeria. 2(1):45-54

2. P.O. Okusanya, A. J. Jubril, O. L Ajayi, B.O. Emikpe & V. O. Taiwo (2019). Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Detection of Pathogenic Leptospires Serovars in Tissues of some Captive Wild life from a University zoo in Nigeria, Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 40:5,564-572, DOI:10.1080/15321819.2019.1655650.

3. P.O.Okusanya, A .J. Jagun, G.A. Adeniran, B.O. Emikpe, and T. Jarikre. (2014). Retrospective Study of Diseases and Associated Pneumonia Types Diagnosed in Dogs at Postmortem at Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Services,(2014) 12(3): 15-20,P-ISSN 1595-93X/E-ISSN 2315-6201

Conferences Attended

1. Okusanya P.O., Akinola A.O . and Akinlade O.O. (2021). Survey on Prevalent Diseases in Pig Farms in Yewa –South Local Government, Ogun State. Design and DevelopYet to be presented in the 5th National Conference of School of Pure and Applied Sciences, The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State (September, 2021).

2. Akinlade, O. O .and Okusanya, P. O. (2021). Survey on Prevalent Disease in Commercial Poultry Farms in Yewa-South Local Government, Ogun State. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 46th Annual Conference – Dutsin-ma, 2021.

3. Okusanya, P. O. and Akinlade, O. O. (2021). Effect of Aqueous extract of some herbs on growth performance of broiler chicken. Book of abstract of Maiden International conference on Veterinary and Biomedical sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Nigeria Nsukka.10-12th March, 2021.

4. Akinlade, O. O. And Okusanya, P. O. (2020). Economic impact of COVID-19: Opportunities in Broiler production for Nigerians, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, (VIRTUAL), The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, 10th - 11th Nov., 2020. 119-123.

5. Akinlade, O. O. and Okusanya, P. O. (2019). Mortality pattern in zoo animals in south-west, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 4th National Development Conference of The School of Pure and Applied Science, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State. 2-5th December, 2019. 410-414.

6. Okusanya, P. O. and Akinlade, O. O. (2019)Adaptability and Growth performance of Different Strains of Broilers Chicken to High Temperature Variations of in North Central Nigeria. Conference Paper in 1stNational Conference of Women in Technical Education and Employment (WITED), Ilaro Chapter held 13th – 16th August, 2019.

Summary of Profile

Dr. Phebe Oluwatoyin Okusanya had her First degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Ibadan, she proceeded for her Second degree in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology from the same institution.She is currently a lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Technology of The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

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